Political Parties


Political Parties represented in the parliament:

SPÖ (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreich) www.spoe.at/
ÖVP (Österreichische Volkspartei) www.oevp.at
FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreich) www.fpoe.at
Die Grünen www.gruene.at/


Political Parties represented in the parliament (Folketinget):

Venstre (Denmarks liberal Parti) www.venstre.dk

Socialdemokratiet www.socialdemokratiet.dk

Dansk Folkeparti www.danskfolkeparti.dk

Det Konservative Folkeparti www.konservative.dk

Det Radikale Venstre (The Radical Left - a center party) www.drv.dk

Enhedslisten www.enhedslisten.dk

Kristendemokraterne www.kd.dk

Den Nordatlandtiske Gruppe i Folketinget (The North Atlantic Group i the Danish Parliament) www.dnag.dk
(Inuit Ataqatigiit (Greenland) www.ia.gl
Siumut (Greenland) www.siumut.gl
Tjodveldisflokkorin (Faroe Islands) www.tjodveldi.fo
Sambandsflokkurin (Faroe Islands) www.samband.fo


The National Parlament of Finland:

Parliamentary groups are:

Finnish Center Party
The Social Democratic Parliamentary Group
National Coalistion Party Group
Swedish Parliamentary Group
Christian Democratic Parlamentary Group
True Finns Party


Political parties represented in the parliament:

SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party), www.spd.de

CDU - Christlich Demokratische Union (Christian Democratic Union), www.cdu.de

Christlich Soziale Union Deutschlands (Christian Social Union), www.csu.de

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens), www.gruene.de

FDP – Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party), www.fdp.de

PDS – Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (Party of Democratic Socialism), www.sozialisten.de

Northern Ireland:

Conservative Party

Labour Party,

Democratic Unionist Party,

Ulster Unionist Party,

Sinn Fein Party,

Social and Democratic Labour Party,


Sveriges Riksdag,(Swedish Parliament) has 349 seats
Currently a majority consisting of S, V and MP

V - vänsterpartiet, left wing party, former communist party, collaborating with the social democrats and mp (environment party).

S - SAP, socialdemokraterna, Social democrats, has formed a government led by Göran Persson, prime minister (has been PM for 10 years). S needs the support from v and mp to have the majority in the parliament

MP - Miljöpartiet. The environment is their main issue. Has been successful in their cooperation.

C - centerpartiet, right wing. Former farmers' party with one major issue: decentralization

FP - folkpartiet. The liberal party.

Moderaterna - conservative party, which has recently changed its' direction to become more social liberal with a new leader, Fredrik Reinfelt, who is very popular. The party's success is a new challenge to the Social democratic government and many believe in a change of government after the election 2006. C, FP and M has formed a program together.