
The European Visual Artists' Network (EVAN) is an artist-led organization. It has been created by representative national visual artists groups to address the issues which affect our sector.

strategic objectives.
• To influence policy decisions at national, European Union and international levels, which impact upon the lives of artists.
• To represent the needs of visual artists to the European Union and relevant institutions such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
• To facilitate and promote networking among visual artists and their organizations on an all-European level.

core values. EVAN acknowledges the aspirations and needs of visual artists and their organizations. The core values which underpin EVAN’s work are that it will:

• Be artist-centred and artist-focused
• Empowerment orientated
• Endeavor to do its work in creative ways
• Champion visual artists’ perspectives
• Strive to be equitable, transparent and inclusive.

structure. The structure of EVAN is modeled on oscillation between two forms of networks. One network form represents the organizational structure proper, while the other form represents EVAN’s communication led mode of operation. EVAN’s governing body plus secretariat is surrounded by the member organizations.

governing body. At congress in Copenhagen, 12 March 2005, governing body of EVAN was elected. Members are:

Charlotte Brüel, chairperson of EVAN, editor of Visual Art Politics (represnnting BKF, The Visual Artists’ Association of Denmark),


Daniela Koweindl ( IG Bildende Kunst,The Visual Artists Associatiof Austria ) office@igbildendekunst.at

Elena Näsänen (Chairman of AAF, Artists Associatoin of Finland)

Werner Schaub (Board member of IGBK, International Association of Art, Germany)
art@igbk.de and

William Artt (Board member of NIVAF, Northern Ireland)

Johnny Ewald (Chairman of KRO, Sweden)

members. Membership is open to visual artists’ organizations if the majority of their members are professional visual artists.
Membership is open to these organizations in EU member states and EU applicant countries.
To qualify for membership organizations must comply with various criteria:
• The aims of the organization must coincide with those of EVAN
• They must have a written constitution / statutes
• They must be democratic in their organization and structure
• They must have an elected governing body with a majority of visual artists
secretariat. The secretariat is hosted by BKF (The Visual Artists Association of Denmark) Address: Vindgaardstraede 21, 1st floor,1070 Copenhagen K, Denmark

web journal. The board of EVAN decided November 2003 to focus the future work of the organization at information and communication. Autumn 2004 the web journal VISUAL ART POLITICS, with Charlotte Brüel as responsible editor, published by EVAN, came online.

general information and communication.
Please contact:

Charlotte Brüel, Chairperson of EVAN
e-mail: charlotte.bruel@get2net.dk
tel. +45 32 82 10 68 or 32 54 94 46