Cultural policies in Europe: a compendium of basic facts and trends,2003
by Council of Europe / ERICarts

Anticipating European Cultural Policies,
Position Paper on European Cultiral Policies by
Therese Kaufmann/Gerald Raunig, eipcp
commissioned by EFAH and IG Kultur Österreich
supported by BKA, II/9

The European Union website provides information in many of the languages spoken in the member states. Click on the home page and select the language you want.

(The following links are to the English pages but the information is available in the other languages also.)

This is the link to the European Commission, which is the most powerful part of the EU.

This link is to the different departments – DGs - within the Commission.

This link is for the Commissioners – move the cursor over their photographs to discover which department they are responsible for!

The EU has a limited role regarding culture. Culture is dealt with by the DG for Education and Culture.

This link provides information about Culture 2000, the EU cultural initiative, the European City of Culture etc.

Many of the issues which affect artists are outside the remit of the Education and Culture DG. Intellectual property rights, including resale rights, are dealt with by the DG for the Internal Market.

The European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions is an EU agency. The Foundation carries out research and development projects, to provide data and analysis for informing and supporting the formulation of EU policy on working and living conditions. The Foundation has a network of experts throughout Europe who conduct research on its behalf including assessing the current national situations, the preparation of case studies and national reports and the conducting of surveys. Some of this research, dealing with “atypical” working, is particularly interesting for artists.